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Applications for Pharmaceutical

Pharmaceutical Brochure

ClorDiSys Solutions, Inc has various technologies to decontaminate or disinfect research laboratories and production environments. ClorDiSys provides Decontamination Services to eliminate contamination and establish sterility within an environment, and also manufacturers chlorine dioxide gas decontamination and ultraviolet light disinfection equipment to help keep your operations cleaner and safer than ever before.

In the pharmaceutical and medical device industry, contamination control and sterility are crucial components to maintaining the highest quality products. ClorDiSys offers many chlorine dioxide based decontamination products as well as UV-C disinfection products a nd services to preserve your product integrity and trust. Our gaseous CD is residue free, gentle on materials and is the safest and most effective way to decontaminate isolators, processing rooms, and passthroughs. It is also a direct replacement for EtO and hydrogen peroxide based systems.

Our proprietary chlorine dioxide gas is registered with US Environmental Protection Agency as a sterilant and is able to inactivate all forms of antimicrobial life, including spores. Our process has also been validated and proven to be effective at inactivating Beta-lactams including Penicillins, Cephalosporins, and Carbapenums allowing facilities of this type of contamination to be easily re-purposed. Download our paper from Applied Biosafety, Vol.16, No. 1, for complete information.

ClorDiSys also has a full line of UV-C disinfection equipment to rapidly disinfect items and spaces. Ultraviolet light works extremely fast to disinfect bacteria, viruses, mold, and spores. Spaces can be decontaminated via either portable units or fixed in place Flashbars. Flashbars have been used as a measurable, repeatable and chemical-free method of disinfecting supplies entering a classified space. The Flashbox and Flashbox-mini are available to disinfect small items entering a clean facility in seconds. Wall mounted Flash-Thru boxes and our Flash Tunnel provide rapid disinfection of items entering a barrier facility to reduce the risk of pathogens entering on tools, tablets, equipment as well as large food and bedding bags.

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Common Industry Applications

Chlorine dioxide gas fills the space it's contained within completely and evenly, ensuring that no matter how large the target space is, or how much equipment is within the space, no surface is left untouched. Traditional room decontamination times are approximately 2.5-3.5 hours depending on their size and the accompanying air handling unit.

Examples of room types decontaminated with chlorine dioxide gas are:
Clean Rooms
Production Rooms
Packaging Rooms
Cold Rooms
Micro Labs
Gowning Rooms
Airlocks and Passthrough Rooms

For applications where the entire room does not need to be decontaminated, equipment can be tented and fumigated in place. This allows for a smaller volume to be treated, lowering treatment times and costs compared to decontaminating the entire room. With a proper seal, production and other work can take place in the same room as the tented equipment undergoing decontamination.

Available Products: ClorDiSys Decontamination Services | Minidox-M | Minidox-B | Flashbar | Torch

Laboratory Pharmaceutical Lab
Circuit Board Tented Equipment

CD Gas and UV Light Videos