ClorDiSys has been working with healthcare facilities, N95 mask manufacturers, and government agencies on ways to safely reuse N95 masks with both chlorine dioxide gas and ultraviolet light during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Our UV-C bulbs have been validated to deactivate the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Click here to read more
NIOSH lists ClorDiSys' chlorine dioxide gas generator on the approved list of methods for reuse. See listing here
The University of Nebraska Medical Center published their procedure for the disinfection of N95 masks using our Torch UV Disinfection Systems. Please click here to view their procedure.
Morristown Medical Center in New Jersey uses a Flashbox to disinfect N95 masks for reuse.
Eisnehower Health in California develops "Virus Avenger" to help speed up N95 mask disinfection using our Torch UV System. Click here to read about their custom solution.