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Applications for Food Safety

Life Science Brochure

ClorDiSys Solutions, Inc has various technologies to decontaminate or disinfect food processing facilities, equipment, and laboratories. ClorDiSys provides Decontamination Services to eliminate contamination and establish sterility within an environment, and also manufacturers chlorine dioxide gas decontamination and ultraviolet light disinfection equipment to help keep your operations cleaner and safer than ever before.

Chlorine dioxide gas is the most effective method of decontamination available. Our proprietary chlorine dioxide gas is registered with US Environmental Protection Agency as a sterilant and is able to inactivate all forms of antimicrobial life, including spores. It offers the ability to reach and eliminate all organisms within a space, even in hard-to-reach areas and harbor locations. As a true gas, CD gas fills the area it is introduced into evenly and completely, ensuring that all surfaces receive an equal dose and equal kill level. The CD gas molecule is smaller than all microorganisms, so there are no crevices or harbor locations where microorganisms would be protected from CD gas. Effective in both dry and wet conditions, chlorine dioxide gas has been used by the dairy, produce, meat, grain, spice, frozen, and beverage industries. In addition to utilizing it for remediation, CD gas is also used as a preventative measure and for creating a Clean Break for your production environment.

CD gas has been used for the decontamination of facilities, tanks, rooms, laboratories, product conveyance and piping systems, spiral freezers, containers, cargo trailers, and tented pieces of equipment for many years. As a residue free process, CD gas is safe for use on food contact surfaces and is even on the National Organic Program's List of Approved and Prohibited Substances as an approved substance for use on organic foods. ClorDiSys has also been approved by the FDA for antimicrobial fruit and vegetable rinses in both the gaseous (Food Contact Notice 1421) and liquid (Food Contact Notice 1400) states with more approvals in the works.

ClorDiSys also has a full line of UV-C disinfection equipment to rapidly disinfect items and spaces. Spaces can be decontaminated via either portable or fixed in place Flashbar units. The Flashbox and Flashbox-mini are available to disinfect small items entering a clean facility in seconds. The wall mounted, double door Flash Thru boxes are also available for increased efficiency. They are perfect for bringing items like cell phones, pens, tablet and laptop computers, calibration instruments, etc into production environments. Our Flashbar units can be mounted in an entry area to disinfect in seconds supplies and equipment entering clean production rooms thus eliminating the “spray and pray” techniques that are typically used for wiping items down with a chemical solution.

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Common Industry Applications

Chlorine dioxide gas fills the space it's contained within completely and evenly, ensuring that no matter how large the target space is, no surface is left untouched; including crevices and harbor locations. We have decontaminated facilities over 1,500,000 ft3, providing 6-log sporicidal kill throughout.

Available Products: ClorDiSys Decontamination Services | Megadox-P | Minidox-M

Food Facility Inside Food Facility Inside

For applications where the entire room does not need to be decontaminated, equipment can be tented and fumigated in place. This allows for a smaller volume to be treated, lowering treatment times and costs compared to decontaminating the entire room. With a proper seal, production and other work can take place in the same room as the tented equipment undergoing decontamination.

Available Products: ClorDiSys Decontamination Services | Megadox-P | Minidox-M

Tented Production Line Tented Equipment

Chlorine dioxide gas has been shown effective at eliminating listeria from within spiral and tunnel freezers. One facility which produced frozen sausages has a persistent listeria problem, resulting in consistent positive swabs. After one treatment with CD gas, the facility was able to eclipse 16 weeks without a single positive swab after testing 2-3 times per day. CD gas decontamination has been written into a quarterly preventive maintenance schedule.

Available Products: ClorDiSys Decontamination Services | Megadox-P | Minidox-M

Spiral Freezer Spiral Freezer

Chlorine dioxide gas fills the space it's contained within completely and evenly, ensuring that no matter how large the target space is, or how much equipment is within the space, no surface is left untouched. Traditional room decontamination times are approximately 2.5-3.5 hours depending on their size and the accompanying air handling unit.

Examples of room types decontaminated with chlorine dioxide gas are:

Production Rooms
Packaging Rooms
Cold Storage Rooms
Controlled Atmosphere Rooms
Gowning Rooms
Bottling Areas
Micro Labs
Airlocks and Passthrough Rooms

Available Products: ClorDiSys Decontamination Services | Megadox-P | Minidox-M

Laboratory Production

A company purchased a used bacon slicing line for their facility. They chose to decontaminate the equipment inside of a trailer with CD gas to ensure that it was sterile before allowing it to enter their production area. The trailer acted as a decontamination chamber, allowing for the quick, easy, and safe decontamination of the equipment outside of the facility. Leaving no residue, the equipment was immediately able to be brought into the facility upon completion and put into production.

In another instance, a food transport truck trailer was determined to have been contaminated with Salmonella from a shipment of food. The truck was decontaminated with chlorine dioxide gas over the course of 3 hours. Swabbing showed complete eradication of the organisms, and the trailer was put back into service for the safe handling of food.

Available Products: ClorDiSys Decontamination Services | Megadox-P | Minidox-M

Transport Container Transport Van

When fumigating an area with CD gas, chlorine dioxide will penetrate the drain and decontaminate up to the water line of the P-trap. For drain systems without a P-trap, the gas will travel further down and decontaminate the drain system. Small amounts of water within the drain and piping will not affect the efficacy of the decontamination as CD gas is water soluble and retains its efficacy within water. While water soluble, it takes a long time in order to penetrate greater depths of water, such as the amount of water within a P-trap. CD Gas has been shown capable of eliminating biofilms, making the treatment of drains and pipes advantageous.

We also can provide a liquid chlorine dioxide product which can be used to treat drains. In these circumstances, the drains are capped or plugged and then filled with liquid chlorine dioxide in order to provide kill within the drain system.

Available Products: ClorDiSys Decontamination Services | Megadox-P | Minidox-M | CSI-3000 | CD-TABS

Drain Piping System

Traditional sanitation procedures typically do not include Air Handling Units or their accompanying ductwork. When decontaminating with CD gas, it is often times very easy to include the ductwork and air handling system (even HEPA housings) in the scope of the project. CD gas penetrates through HEPA filters as if they are not there, and being a dry gas it is able to navigate the bends and turns of the ductwork system without condensing and getting "stuck."

Available Products: ClorDiSys Decontamination Services | Megadox-P | Minidox-M | Airglow

Ductwork HEPA Housing

CD Gas and UV Light Videos