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Chlorine Dioxide

What does it Kill?

Type of Microorganism
Decreasing Resistance
Bacterial Endospores
(Clostridium, Bacillus)
Non-enveloped, non-lipid viruses
(Aspergillus, Stachybotrys)
Gram-negative vegetative bacteria
(Escherichia, Pseudomonas)
Gram-positive bacteria
(Enterococcus, Staphylococcus)
Enveloped, lipid viruses

ClorDiSys' chlorine dioxide gas is registered with the United States Environmental Protection Agency as a sterilizer. The US EPA defines a sterilizer as able "to destroy or eliminate all forms of microbial life including fungi, viruses, and all forms of bacteria and their spores," meaning ClorDiSys' chlorine dioxide gas will inactivate any form of antimicrobial life including spores. Testing has been done using chlorine dioxide on a multitude of specific organism types, and that information can be found in the Biological Efficacy List. As testing is constantly ongoing, this is not to be thought of as a complete list of organisms in which chlorine dioxide gas is effective against.

To date, no organism tested against chlorine dioxide gas has proved resistant.

US EPA registered sterilant:
  • Product: CSI CD Cartridge - EPA Label Download
  • EPA Reg#: 80802-1
  • Approval Date: 2/25/2005
  • Active Ingredients: Sodium Chlorite 72.8%
Also proven effective against: